
Entrans - Selection

The maximum number of entrants to the P.P.S. each year is 40 (10 per specialization). The minimum number for the programme to operate is one (1).

Selection is made by the General Assembly of the Department responsible for Postgraduate Studies following the recommendation of the Coordination Committee of the P.P.S.

The following criteria are taken into consideration:

  • Minimum grade of degree 6.5 on a scale of 0-10
  • Adequate knowledge of at least one foreign language: English, French or German, or another language in which there is relevant scientific literature.  Proficiency in the language is certified by success in officially recognized examinations (First Certificate, or TOEFL with a minimum grade of 525).  Graduates of foreign universities that have been taught in one of these languages are exempted.  Candidates who do not possess the necessary language qualification are examined in a language for which the specialization of their choice has adequate literature.  The examination consists of the written translation of a scientific text, which is examined by a board appointed by the Coordination Committee.  The result of the examination is assessed as pass (P) or fail (F).
  • Performance in undergraduate courses related to the specialization (weighted 20%).  These courses, which are designated by the General Assembly of the Department of Crop Science on the basis of the proposals of the Coordination Committee, are as follows:

Horticulture and Floriculture

 1. Pomology

 2. Vegetable Crops

 3. Viticulture

 4. Vine Description and Vineyard Practices

 5. Floriculture

 6. Ornamental Plants

Field Crops and Plant Breeding

 1. General Agriculture

 2. Field Crops

 3. Plant Breeding

 4. Experimental Design

Plant Protection and Environment

 1. General Plant Pathology

 2. Diseases of Tree and Vine Crops

 3. General Zoology

 4. General Entomology

 5. Agricultural Pharmacology

 6. Ecology

Landscape Architecture

 1. Ornamental Plants

 2. Landscape Construction

 3. Landscape Architecture

 4. Floriculture

 5. Bioclimatology and Urban Ecology

Performance in written examinations on the following subjects:

Horticulture and Floriculture

  • Pomology - Viticulture
  • Vegetable Crops – Floriculture

Field Crops and Plant Breeding

  • General Agriculture
  • Field Crops and Principles and Methods of Plant Breeding

Plant Protection and Environment

  • Basic Principles of Plant Pathology and Agricultural Pharmacology
  • Basic Principles of Agricultural Entomology-Zoology and Ecology

Landscape Architecture

  • Ornamental Plants
  • Landscape Construction

The examinations are held during the first two weeks of May.  For each subject, there are two examiners and one re-examiner.  The final mark is based on the average of the candidate’s performance in all the subjects (weighting 50%).

The overall mark, as well as the mark in each of the subjects examined, should be at least 6.5.

  • Previous research activities, as indicated by publications in scientific journals or the proceedings of scientific conferences (weighting 15%).
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (weighting 5%).
  • Interview by a committee set up by the Coordination Committee (weighting 10%).

Foreign graduates of Greek Universities are selected on the above criteria. In the case of candidates coming from, or having graduated, abroad the above criteria apply, together with the following additional requirements:

  • Verification by the Coordination Committee that the candidate’s degree is related to the specialization applied for.
  • A certificate by the Centre for the Recognition of Foreign Degrees in Science (DIKATSA) stating that the candidate’s degree is equivalent to that of a Greek University, or a copy of the application to DIKATSA for recognition.   In the second case, the candidate may register for the P.P.S. provided he fulfills the other criteria and on condition that he/she submits the document within six (6) months of registration.
  • Adequate knowledge of the Greek language as defined by the Foundation for State Scholarships (Ι.Κ.Υ.) and/or by examination by a committee set up by the Coordination Committee of the P.P.S.

The names of the successful candidates are announced by 10 September. In the event of candidates being equal, the one with the higher grade of Degree is selected.  When the number of successful candidates exceeds the number of available places, selection is based on the mean overall mark and success in the foreign language.

Candidates from bodies or foundations that award scholarships on the basis of competitive examinations examined by university staff are not exempted from the P.P.S. entry examination.