

The duration of the P.P.S., leading to the award of the D.P.S., is two (2) academic semesters.  In exceptional cases, this period may be extended by one (1) further semester.

The Programme of Studies for the new P.P.S. includes the following courses:


 1. Special Topics in Agricultural Entomology

 2. Special topics in Agricultural Pharmacology

 3. Environmental Bioclimatology and Urban Planning

 4. Special Topics in Vegetable Crops and Floriculture

 5. Special Topics on Plant Disease Control

 6. Photochemical Methods of Plant Analysis

 7. Special Topics in Viticulture

 8. Tree Propagation

 9. Propagation of Field Crops

 10. Greenhouse Structures and Management

 11. Pathology of Bees and Silkworms

 12. Genetic Engineering

 13. Biochemistry

 14. Plant Virology

 15. Experimental Methodology

 16. Special Topics in Vegetable and Flower Breeding

 17. Propagation of Vegetables and Flowering Plants

 18. Molecular Plant Biology

 19. Biomass Plants

 20. Landscape Construction


 1. Special Topics in Agricultural Zoology

 2. Landscape Architecture

 3. Special Topics in the Breeding of Field Crops

 4. Principles of Sustainable Vegetable Crop Production

 5. Molecular Plant Physiology

 6. Landscape Design

 7. Land Reclamation

 8. Molecular Plant Pathology

 9. Automation in Crop Production

 10. Organic Agriculture

 11. Special Topics in Pomology

 12. Physiology of Field Crops

 13. Protected Crops

 14. Special Topics in Ecology

 15. Special Topics in Ecotoxicology

 16. Irrigation

 17. Weed Biology and Methods of Weed Control

 18. Soil Fertility and Crop Fertilization

 19. The Production Costs and Marketing of Agricultural Products

 20. Post-harvest Handling of Fruit and Vegetables

 21. Advanced Plant Pathology

 22. Biological Control of Crop Pests

 23. Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment

 24. Seminars

Apart from the seminars, all the above courses are electives and each comprises 3 hours theory and 3 hours laboratory or tutorial work per week.

The first semester of each academic year of the P.P.S. starts on 1 October and ends on 10 February.  The second semester starts on 20 February and ends on 30 June.

Examinations are held during the last ten (10) days of each semester.  The General Assembly of the Department of Crop Science has the right to change the dates of the semesters if necessary.

Each postgraduate student is required to undergo ten (10) days practical training at a research institution, laboratory or agricultural enterprise etc. relevant to the specialization of the P.P.S.

Each student of the P.P.S. that is working towards the D.P.S. is assigned a supervisor, who is a professor of the Department with particular experience relevant to the subject of the student’s research project.

The student has the right to request the Coordination Committee of the P.P.S. to change supervisor.  This request can be made only once and must be submitted in writing, clearly stating the reasons for the change.  The General Assembly of the Department decides on the basis of the request, the recommendation of the Coordination Committee and the opinion of the Supervisor. A change of Supervisor may also necessitate a change in the research project.

Each postgraduate student is required to successfully complete a minimum of 24 P.P.S. Teaching Credits (Course Units).  One Credit is equivalent to one hour taught theory or three hours of laboratory work per week for one semester, i.e. 4 Credits per course of 3 hours theory and 3 hours practical or tutorial work.

The study programme of each student is formalized in collaboration with the Supervisor and approved by the Coordination Committee of the P.P.S.

The student is required to successfully complete all the courses of his/her programme.  Examinations are held on completion of each semester and a pass is awarded for a mark of at least 6.5 on a scale of 0-10.  The mark for each course is derived from the student’s performance in the examination, as well as in any exercises or other compulsory work completed during the course.

Apart from his/her attendance of taught courses, a student of the D.P.S. programme is required to complete a research project and written dissertation.  The subject of the project is chosen in collaboration with the supervisor within the first 3 months of the programme.  The project is carried out during the two semesters of the programme, but the time limit may be extended by the General Assembly following the recommendation of the Coordination Committee of the P.P.S.

The research project is presented publicly and examined by a 5-member Examination Board, one member of which is the student’s supervisor. The other members of the Board are appointed by the General Assembly on the basis of the recommendation of the Coordination Committee.   The project is marked on a scale of0-10, with6.5 as pass mark.