![]() Aliki Tzima
Assistant Professor
Personal Info
Full name: Aliki K. Tzima Date and place of birth: 14 September 1973, Gütersloh - Germany Work Address : Iera Odos 75, 118 55 Athens, Greece Phone: 210-5294501, 6972606951 Email: aliki@aua.gr Website http://efp.aua.gr/el/userpage/1389 Citizenship: Hellenic
Current PositionLecturer (since July 2014) Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Department of Crop Production, School of Agricultural Production Infrastructure and Environment, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Education- Degrees 2009 Ph.D. in Plant Pathology, Agricultural University of Athens, AUA. Dissertation: “Phytopathological and molecular aspects in the interaction of Verticillium dahliae with its host-plant” 2002 Master degree in Crop Protection, Agricultural University of Athens Master Thesis: “Molecular study of resistance in Botrytis cinerea to new botrycides” 1999 Degree in Plant Production. Faculty of Crop Protection and Environment, AUA, Diploma Thesis: “Genetic control of resistance to the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin in Ustilago maydis”
Quality indicators of scientific production Doctoral Thesis directing in the last 4 years (not officially in committee): 4 Doctoral Thesis directed in the last 4 years & received PhD (not officially in committee): 1 Master Thesis directed in the last 4 years: 2 (as supervisor), 4 (member of advisory board). Diploma Thesis directed in the last 4 years: 9 (4 as a supervisor, one continued for PhD without Master). Diploma Thesis advisory board (additional) in the last 4 years: 8 Publications: 13 H index: 6 in scopus, 8 in google scholar Total cites: 243 in scopus, 364 in google scholar Total Impact Factor: 43,72 Average Impact Factor: 3.2
Research & Professional Experience 2011-2014 Agronomist at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute from 21/3/2011 until 14/7/14 at the project “Surveys for recognition of protected zones from quarantine pathogens”. 2006-2008 Researcher at the bilateral project: «Characterization of pathogenicity genes in Verticillium dahliae» funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (Code: 05-NONEU-46)/ Ministry of Development, 3rd Community Support Programme/ Action: Competitiveness. Project Leader: Associate Prof E.J. Paplomatas, Agricultural University of Athens. From 1/3/2006 until 28/2/08 (24 months). Working on the disruption of potential virulence genes through RNAi and/or gene replacement using Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation in collaboration with the Plant Pathology Laboratory of the Pennsylvania State University (led by Prof. Kang). V. dahliae mutants were characterized for their virulence, cultural characteristics and changes in gene expression. 2005 Research Assistant at the Virology lab of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute, under a –one year - employment contract, Ministry of Rural development and Food, Decision numbered 266145/24.6.2005. 2004 Fellow of a Marie Curie Training site (EC-contract no. HPMT-CT-2000-00199, WU-project 891.16850.000) at the Wageningen Institute of Production Ecology & Resource Conservation (PE&RC) of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Activities within “Functional Biodiversity in Crop Protection” were carried out in the framework of the “Improving the Human Research Potential” program. From 1/1/2004 until 1/10/2004 (9 months). Assessing the effect of temperature during composting on microbial communities with conventional (serial dilutions, plating) and molecular (DGGE) methods. 2002-2003 Research Assistant at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute in the frame of the research project “Verticillium wilt in trees species, developing essential elements for integrated and innovative management strategies” funded by the EU. Research leader was Prof. E.J. Paplomatas. Characterization of V. dahliae isolates from different hosts and geographic areas for virulence on selected hosts and with molecular markers SSRs, REP-, ERIC- and BOX. 2000-2001 Research Assistant at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute in the frame of the project: ”Phytopathological and Molecular aspects in the control of Botrytis cinerea with chemicals and epiphytical yeasts”, funded by the Hellenic General Secretary of Research and Technology. Research leader was Prof. B.N. Ziogas at the Agricultural University of Athens. Molecular study of Botrytis cinerea resistance to new botrycides applying PCR, cloning and molecular fingerprinting methods (RAPDs, AFLPs).
Teaching Experience 2014-present Lecturer at the Plant Pathology laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens, with subject “Phytopathology- Phytopathological Mycology”. From 14/7/2014 until today. Teaching the undergraduate courses “Phytopathology”, “Diseases of Vegetables and Ornamentals”, “Plant Diseases of Fruit Trees, Olives and Grapevine” (Theoretical and practical section) and the master courses “Molecular Phytopathology”, “Molecular Virology” (Theoretical and practical section). Supervisor of five undergraduate students. Committee member of four master students and of two phD candidates. 2018 Seminars on “Biology of Fungus-Plant Interactions” and “Signaling mechanisms-virulence genes in the vascular wilt pathogens, Verticillium dahliae” in two master courses at the University of Cordoba, entitled "Interacciones Microorganismos-Plantas" (Master in Biotechnology) and "Mecanismos De Patogénesis Y Resistencia En Las Enfermedades De Las Plantas" as a visiting teaching staff in the frame of the Erasmus collaboration project with the University of Cordoba, Laboratory of Genetics held by Prof. Antonio Di Pietro. 2010-2011 Scientific Associate (equivalent to the rank of Associate Professor) at the Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata, Department of Biological Greenhouse crops and Floriculture. Amendment of the –one year- employment contract. From 1/10/2010 until 22/2/2011 (4 months). Teaching the course «Crop protection Products- Biological formulation» (Practical section). 2010-2011 Teaching Associate (equivalent to the rank of a Lecturer) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Biology, Laboratory of Genetics and Biotechnology under a limited duration employment contract according to law 407/80. From 1/2/2010 until 31/8/2010 (7 months) and from 1/4/2011 until 31/8/2011 (5 months). Preparation and teaching of the practical courses “Introduction in Biology”, “Genetics” and “Biotechnology”. 2010 Scientific Associate (equivalent to the rank of Associate Professor) at the Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi, Department of Greenhouse crops and Floriculture. Amendment of the –one year- employment contract. From 22/2/2010 until 30/6/2010 (4 months). Teaching the course «Crop protection Products» (Theoretical and practical section) 2009 Scientific Associate (equivalent to the rank of Associate Professor) at the Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi, Department of Greenhouse crops and Floriculture under a –one year- employment contract. From 1/10/09 until 22/2/2010 (4 months). Teaching the courses “Crop protection Products” (Theoretical and practical section) and “Crop Protection of Flori- and horticulture” (Theoretical section).
Reviewer of scientific manuscripts for publication in scientific journals 1. Review of four (4) manuscripts for publication in journal “Phytopathologia Mediterranea” (2011, 2015, 2019). 2. Review of two (2) manuscripts for publication in journal “African Journal of Biotechnology” (2012, 2013). 3. Review of one (1) manuscript και revision for publication in journal “Australasian Plant Pathology” (2012). 4. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “African Journal of Microbiology Research” (2013). 5. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “African Journal of Microbiology Research” (2013). 6. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Biochemical Genetics” (2014). 7. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology” (2014). 8. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Plant Pathology” (2014). 9. Review of six (6) manuscripts and two revisions for publication in journal “Gene” (2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019). 10. Review of two (2) manuscripts and one revision for publication in journal “Annals of Applied Biology” (2013). 11. Review of two (2) manuscripts και one revision for publication in journal “Hellenic Plant Protection Journal” (2013, 2014). 12. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Biochemical Genetics” (2014) 13. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology” (2014) 14. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Tropical Plant Pathology” (2015) 15. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Journal of Interogrative Agriculture” (2015) 16. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Mycology” (2015) 17. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Current Genetics” (2016) 18. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “BMC Microbiology” (2016) 19. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Journal of Phytopathology” (2016) 20. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Fungal Biology” (2017) 21. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Forest Pathology” (2017) 22. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “International Journal Advance Agricultural Research” (2018) 23. Review of seven (7) manuscripts και two resubmissions for publication in journal “Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions” (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018). 24. Review of four (4) manuscripts και three (3) resubmissions for publication in journal “Molecular Plant Pathology” (2016, 2017). 25. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “Biological Reviews Online” (2019) 26. Review of one (1) manuscript for publication in journal “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” (2020)
Professional Society Memberships Hellenic Phytopathological Society (Treasurer of the directing board) Organisation of scientific conferences Member of the organizing committee of XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 6 – 10 July 2014, Rhodes, Greece. Member of the organizing committee of the 19th Hellenic Phytopathological Congress, 30 October – 1 November 2018, Athens, Greece Grants 2004 Marie Curie phD Fellowship from the European Commission 2004 Three year Grant by the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece in “Plant Molecular Biology and DNA Technology” for post graduated studies in Greece Foreign Languages German: Proficiency level, “Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom” Goethe Institut English: “Certificate of Proficiency in English” Michigan University |
Participation in research projects1. Holistic management of olive fruit fly – anthracnose synergy in the production and quality of olive oil Principal Investigator: Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Lakonia (UAC Lakonia) Duration: 36 months (Start: not defined End: 36 months later). Funding: € 401.500 (Τ2ΕΔΚ-03634) NSRF (ESPA): 2014-2020 (100% Unified Action of State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE" of Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (OPCEI, EPAnEK)" Participation: Writing the proposal with entrepreneurship UAC Lakonia and collaborating partners and academic institutions (laboratory of Entomology, Agricultural University of Athens). 2. Optimization of grapevine propagating material production by utilization of natural, biological and biotechnological methods Principal Investigator: Vine Nurseries Bakasietas (VNB) Funding: € 436.640 (Τ2ΕΔΚ-05084) NSRF (ESPA): 2014-2020 (100% Unified Action of State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE" of Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (OPCEI, EPAnEK)" Intervention I. Call by Special Service for Management and Implementation of Actions in the fields of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (EYDE-ETAK). Participation: Writing the proposal with entrepreneurship VNB and collaborating academic institutions (Plant Pathology laboratory of Aristole University of Thessaloniki). 3. Risk evaluation for development of a resistant form of survival by transferring mating type genes of the species Botryosphaeria dothidea to species of the genus Neofusicoccum. Academic Advisor: Epaminondas Paplomatas, Professor Duration: 15 months (Start: Feb 2020 End: 15 months later). Funding: € 41,000, ESPA: 2014-2020 (100% European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union and national resources in the framework of the operation "Research Support with Emphasis on Young Researchers - Cycle B" of the Operational Program and Human Resources Development Lifelong Learning ») Participation: Deputy academic advisor - writing and submitting the proposal, supervising and coordinating two Ph.D. candidates for implementation of the project 4. Flagship activity: "The routes of olive tree" Principal Investigator (Institutional): Ioannis Vondas, Professor Duration: 2 years (Start 14-11-2018 End: 30-10-2020). Funding: 110,000€ (for Department of Plant Science), 50,000€ (for the Laboratory of Phytopathology), GSRT National File of PDE, project with code no. 2018SE01300000 (100% European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union and national resources in the framework of the action entitled: "Creation of a national research network in the value chain of Olive") Participation: Member of the research team of the Phytopathology laboratory with active participation in implementation of deliverables and in communication with the collaborating bodies 5. Flagship action:"The routes of Vineyards " Principal Investigator (Institutional): Kotseridis Georgios, Associate Professor of AUA Duration: 2 years (Start 2-4-2019 End: 1-4-2021) Funding: 134,000 € (for the Department of Plant Science), 72,556 € (for the Laboratory of Phytopathology), GSRT National file of PDE, project with code no. 2018SE01300000 (100% European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union and national resources in the framework of the action entitled: "Creation of a national research network in the value chain of the "Vine ") Participation: Member of the research team of the Phytopathology laboratory with active participation in the writing of the Work package of the proposal, in the implementation of the deliverables and in the communication with the collaborating bodies.
Principal Investigator: Epaminondas Paplomatas, Professor at AUA Duration: 22 months (Start: 1-1-2014, End: 31-10-2015). Funding: 250.000 € ESPA 2007-2013 (100% European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and national resources under the program "Bilateral RTD Cooperation between Greece and Germany 2013-2015). Participation: Member of the research team participating in one work package.
Principal Investigator: Epaminondas Paplomatas, Professor at AUA Duration: 2 years (Start: 1-3-06, End: 28-2-08). Funding: 60.000 € (100% GSRT in the frame of the project Cooperation with E&T institutes of non EU countries. Participation: Basic researcher of the project. Participation in writing the research proposal, financial management and administration in collaboration with the principal investigator of the project. 8. Verticillium wilt in tree species: developing essential elements for integrated and innovative management strategies Principal Investigator: Epaminondas Paplomatas, Professor at AUA Duration: 4 years (Start: 1-3-00, End: 29-2-04). Funding: 50% European Union in the frame of the project 5th Framework and 50% BPI Participation: Agronomist-Researcher (from 31/3/2002 until 31/12/2003) 9. Phytopathological and molecular investigation of control of Botrytis cinerea with chemical means and epiphytic yeast of the genus Rhodotorula. Principal Investigator: Vasilios Ziogas, Professor at AUA Duration: 18 months (Start: 1-2-00, End: 1-8-01). Funding: 100% GSRT in the frame of the project PENED 1999 Participation: Agronomist
Writing & Submitting Research proposals (good scores - not approved) 2014 Project proposal on “Preservation & protection of grapevine biodiversity “among Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus (not evaluated due to administrative mistake), Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg, Balkan‐Mediterranean 2014‐2020. 2017 Two project proposals on “Innovative diagnosis of esca disease” and “Innovative model for IPM of anthracnose disease in olive” Uniform Action State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE" 2018 Project proposal on “Innovative grapevine propagating material with reduced esca pathogen infection” Program of Agricultural Development of Greece (PAD, PAA) 2014-2020 Measure 16
Writing & Submitting Research proposals (under evaluation) 2020 Research proposal on “Crosstalk of virulence components in two vascular wilt pathogens" under the 2nd Call of H.F.R.I. (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation) Research Projects to support faculty members (DEP) and Researchers. |
Publications1. Ziogas B.N., Markoglou A.N., and Tzima A., 2002. Non-Mendelian inheritance of resistance to strobilurin fungicides in Ustilago maydis. Pest Management Science, 58, pp. 1 –9. Impact factor for 2009: 2,04 / Citations until 2020: 18 citations. Corresponding Author: B.N. Ziogas 2. Vassilakos N., Bem F., Tzima A., Barker H., Reavy B., Karanastasi E. and Robinson D., 2008. Resistance of transgenic tobacco plants incorporating the putative 57-kDa polymerase read-through gene of Tobacco rattle virus against rub-inoculated and nematode-transmitted virus. Transgenic Research, 17: 929 - 941. Impact factor for 2008: 2,8 / Citations until 2020: 3 citations. Corresponding Author: N. Vassilakos 3. Tzima A., Paplomatas E.J., Rauyaree P., and Kang S., 2010. Roles of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A in virulence and development of the soilborne plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae. Fungal Genetics and Biology (2010), 47: 406 – 415. Impact factor for 2010: 3,3 / Citations until 2020: 45 citations. Corresponding Author: E.J. Paplomatas. 4. Tzima A., Paplomatas E.J., Rauyaree P., Ospina-Giraldo Μ. and Kang S., 2011. VdSNF1, the Sucrose Non-Fermenting Protein Kinase Gene of Verticillium dahliae, is Required for Virulence and Expression of Genes Involved in Cell Wall Degradation. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 24: 129 - 142. Editors Pick: Impact factor for 2009: 4,431 / Citations until 2020: 69 citations. Corresponding Author: A.Tzima. 5. Tzima Α., Paplomatas E.J., Tsitsigiannis D. I., and Kang S., 2012. The G protein β subunit controls virulence and multiple growth- and development-related traits in Verticillium dahliae. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 49: 271-283. Impact factor for 2014: 3,263 / Citations until 2020: 54 citations. Corresponding Author: A.Tzima. 6. Eboigbe L., Tzima A.K, Paplomatas E. J. Typas M. A., 2014. The role of the ß-1,6-endoglucanase gene vegB in physiology and virulence of Vecticillium dahliae. Phytopathologia Medditerannea, 53: 94-107. Impact factor for 2013: ~1,293. Citations until 2020: 5 citations. Corresponding Author: M. A. Typas. 7. Tzima A. K., Paplomatas E. J., Schoina X., Domazakis M., Kang S. and Goodwin P., 2014. Successful Agrobacterium mediated transformation of Thielaviopsis basicola by optimizing multiple conditions. Fungal Biology, 118: 675 – 682. Impact factor for 2013: 2,139. Citations until 2020: 5 citations. Corresponding Author: A.Tzima. 8. Tsopelas P., Palavouzis S., Tzima A., Tsopelas M.A., Soulioti N., Paplomatas E.J., 2015. First report of Ceratocystis platani in Albania. Forest Pathology 5, 433-436. Impact factor for 2014: 1,485. Citations until 2020: 5 citations. Corresponding Author: Tsopelas P. 9. Vassilakos N., Simon V., Tzima A., Johansen E., and Benoît M., 2015. Genetic determinism and evolutionary reconstruction of a host jump in a plant virus. Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi:10.1093/molbev/msv222, 33: 541–553. Impact factor for 2014: 9,1. Citations until 2020: 12 citations. Corresponding Author: Benoît M. 10. Skandalis, N., Dimopoulou, A., Beri, D., Tzima, A., Malandraki, I., Theologidis, I., Bitivanos, S., Varveri, C., Klitsinaris, T., and Vassilakos, N. 2016. Effect of pyraclostrobin application on viral and bacterial diseases of tomato. Plant Dis. 100:1321-1330. Impact factor for 2016: 3,173. Citations until 2020: 6 citations. Corresponding Authors: Vassilakos, N & Skandalis, N. 11. Markakis, E. A., Tzima, A. K., Palavouzis, S. C., Antoniou, P. P., Paplomatas, E. J., & Tjamos, E. C. 2017. First report of Phytophthora palmivora causing fruit rot on pomegranate in Greece. Plant Disease, 101(6). https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-16-1691-PDN Impact factor for 2017: 3,173. Citations until 2020: 2 citations. Corresponding Author: Markakis, E. A.
Impact factor for 2018: 3,588. Citations until 2020: 5 citations. Corresponding Author: Tsolakidou M.D.
Impact factor for 2019: 1,9. Citations until 2020: 0 citations. Corresponding Author: Typas M.A.