
Course: Breeding for abiotic and biotic stress - Breeding for quality traits

Penelope Bebeli
Eleni Tani

This course provides advanced knowledge of plants response mechanisms to both abiotic and biotic stresses and describes classical as well as molecular breeding approaches. It also refers to improvement of food quality and functionality as well as plant breeding for non-food uses (bio-economy products).

Course description:

  • Interaction of plants and pathogens.
  • Improved resistance to fungal, virological, bacteriological diseases and insects
  • Response mechanisms of plants to abiotic stresses.
  • Improved resistance to abiotic stresses (water stress, extreme temperatures, salinity, heavy metals)
  • Improvement of food quality and functionality (quantity and diversifying oil, starch, sugar, protein, vitamins, antioxidants, etc.)
  • Improve plants for non-food uses (bio-economy products)

Teaching aids: Abiotic Stresses: Plant Resistance Through Breeding and Molecular Approaches

M. Ashraf, Philip Harris

Plant Breeding for Biotic Stress Resistance. Fritsche-Neto, Roberto, Borém, Aluízio (Eds.)

Quality Traits, in Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. Acquaah, G.

Exams: Assays and oral