
Course: General Principles of Crop Production

Garyfalia Economou
Ilias S. Travlos

Influence of the aerial environment on growth, development and yields of field crops (solar radiation, air temperature, atmospheric humidity, wind, evaporative demand, CO2-concentration). Interventions for improving yields and product quality. Agro ecological approaches on cultivation zones of field crops and varieties.

Influence of soil environment on crop growth, development, yield and product quality. Soil characteristics: physical (texture, structure, porosity, soil air, temperature, water content, mechanical impedance), biological (soil flora and fauna, organic matter) and chemical (colloids, soil solution, pH, plant nutrients, soil salinity and acidity).

Interventions for improving the soil characteristics. Soil cultivation: aims, techniques (machinery, timing and frequency) and their influence on soil properties and plant traits. Fertilization: inorganic, organic, green manuring.

Cultivation systems (conventional, minimal and sustainable farming). Crop rotation: aims, basic principles, monoculture, fallow and rotation plans (under dryland and irrigated conditions, summer crops of short biological cycle). Intercropping. Codes of good farming practices

Yield and its components.