Course: Physics
Course description:
(a) Fluid mechanics
1. Elasticity, basic concepts and laws of fluid mechanics.
2. Molecular interactions in fluids. Surface phenomena.
3. Capillarity, adsorption, fluids in motion, viscosity.
(b) Heat and thermodynamics
1. Internal energy, heat and temperature. Calorimetry. Heat capacity.
2. Laws of thermodynamics. Heat capacity of gases. Enthalpy. Entropy and disorder.
3. Heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation. Latent heat.
4. Diffusion, osmotic pressure, thermal expansion and contraction of materials. Phase changes.
(c) Optics
1. The wave nature of light. Huygen's principle. Photometry. Reflection and refraction.
2. Geometric optics. Mirrors, thin lenses, the microscope. Limits of resolution. Interference. Diffraction grating.
3. Interference by thin films. Dispersion. Dispersion of X-rays by crystals.
4. Electron microscope. Polarisation. Spectroscopy. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
(d) Nuclear physics
1. Structure of the nucleus. Fundamental particles. N and Z numbers. Mass and binding energy.
2. Radioactivity, radioactive decay and half-life. The interaction of radiation with matter. Nuclear reactions and interaction of particles with matter. Nuclear fission and reactors. Chain reactions. Fusion.
3. Biological effects of nuclear radiation.
Teaching aids:Notes on physics for agronomists
Examination: Written