Course: General and Inorganic Chemistry
Introduction (atomic theory, atomic and molecular orbitals, periodic table).
Chemical bonds (ionic, covalent, metallic and hydrogen bonds).
Coordination compounds (nomenclature, magnetic properties and colour of complexes. Valence bond theory, crystal field theory. Biological importance of coordination compounds).
Chemical equilibrium - ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions (acids and bases, hydrolysis, buffer solutions, precipitation, titration). Oxidation-reduction reactions, galvanic cells. Principles of electrochemistry.
Chemical thermodynamics (entropy, enthalpy, free energy, Gibbs free energy).
Liquids and solutions, fraction distillation, azeotropics.
Chemical kinetics (rate and mechanism of reactions, transition state theory, enzyme kinetics, catalysis).
Nomenclature and properties of elements and inorganic compounds of agricultural interest.
Teaching aids: "General and Inorganic Chemistry" by M. Lalia-Cantouri and. S. Papastefanou
"Laboratory Notes in General Chemistry" by S. Charatounian
Examination: Written